Private Home Prices Surge in Late-Year Spurt


Private Home Prices Surge in Late-Year Spurt

The numbers are in, and they reveal an encouraging trend that has unfolded in the final quarter of last year. After experiencing sluggish growth for three consecutive quarters, private home prices experienced a remarkable spurt, rising by 2.7% in Q4.

According to the flash data released by the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the overall increase in private residential prices for 2023 stood at 6.7%. While this represents a slightly slower pace compared to the previous year's growth of 8.7%, it is still a testament to the resilience and strength of our real estate market.

Moreover, it is worth noting that since reaching its lowest point in Q1 2020, private home prices have surged by an impressive 32%. This significant upward trajectory demonstrates not only stability but also considerable value appreciation for homeowners and investors alike.

As we move forward into a new era of real estate development, we can expect further opportunities and challenges ahead. Our team will continue to monitor these market trends closely and provide you with timely insights and analysis.